
At Akasha, I offer two services that will help you to improve your health:

1. Therapeutic Massages: My expertise is in individuals who's how are suffering from neck, back, and hip pain, but it is not limited to that.

2. Functional Health Practitioner: My main focus is inflammation. If you suffer from edemas, fatigue, pains, skin rashes, poor sleep, etc., and feel unwell, your body asks for help! We can tailor a customized protocol that will only work for you, giving you more energy, happiness, and clear thinking, which means we are rebuilding your health.

I aim to identify the underlying dysfunctions, implement necessary changes, explore the root causes, and ultimately achieve long-lasting well-being.

I am here to help you!

Let me introduce myself

My name is Claudia Gonzalez, and I'm a Licensed Massage Therapist and FDN Practitioner. Inflammation is my passion. Why? Because I've always suffered from it, unknowingly. Despite doctors reviewing my medical tests, they couldn't provide a specific 'diagnosis' or offer effective 'treatment.'

Faced with this situation and tired of feeling unwell, I decided to educate myself and take control of my health. I discovered that to regain my well-being, I needed to understand my body and address the root causes affecting my systems' functioning through lifestyle choices. Thus, I delved into Diet, Rest, Movement, Stress, and Supplementation. I possess the tools and strategies to reclaim my energy, improve my sleep, enhance mental clarity, and feel better daily. By implementing appropriate practices, I continue to experience positive changes and have learned how to care for myself naturally and holistically.

My goal is to share all the knowledge and practices that I have personally put into action and proven to be effective. You will feel amazing!


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Licenses and Certification

  • Bachelor in Business Administration
  • Licensed Massage Therapist
  • Certified Medical Massage Practitioner
  • Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner
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  • Lymph Drainage Therapy #1
  • Therapeutic Massage and Hydrotherapy
  • CraneoSacral Therapy #1,#2, SER1
  • Myofascial RealeaseI, II
  • Oncology Massage,
  • Hot Stone THerapeutic Level I
  • Deep Tissue
  • Sport Massage
  • The HTMA Expert Training Program
  • FDN Advance - Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis

Therapeutic Massage:

If you are experiencing:

  • Stress,
  • Anxiety,
  • Muscular tension,
  • Neck/lower back pain or hip area,
  • Circulation problems; edema,
  • Sports injuries,
  • Poor sleep,
  • Headaches, migraines,

I can use the following:

  • Swedish Massage
  • Sport Massage
  • Hot Stone Therapy
  • Medical Massage
  • Lymphatic Drainage Therapy
  • Myofascial Release
  • CranioSacral Therapy

Functional Health

If you have tried different therapies and the problems persist maybe is time to dig deep and discover the root causes of your symptoms.

If you are experiencing:

  • Inflammation,
  • Gut disorders,
  • Anxiety
  • Apathy
  • low libido
  • Skin rashes, acne
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Mineral Imbalance, etc.

Things that I will cover:

  • Nutrition and eating habits
  • Sleep Quality
  • Gut health & digestion
  • Hormone health
  • Exercise and movement
  • Stress, anxiety, and overwhelm
  • Chemical, environmental and physical stressors
  • Emotional and mental health
  • Supplementation

Functional Health Work with me if:

  • You are determined to uncover the underlying causes of your symptoms once and for all.
  • You are willing to utilize functional lab testing to identify the specific imbalances affecting you.
  • You are accepting to work with a health partner who will provide guidance and support to help you achieve optimal health.

If you're unsure how to begin, schedule a complimentary 45-minute chat with me.

During our conversation, I will offer you advice and help point you in the right direction

Here's what my clients have to say about me...

Richard B.

Service Received: TM 60 minutes

Claudia does a great massage and is very knowledgeable and professional

Ana T.

Service Received: TM 60 minutes

Claudia is very gentle but firm on her pressure and very knowledgeable with my EDS Hypermobility condition. She makes feel relaxed. She asked me which area I wanted her to focus on and she explained what treatment she was going to do and while she did it. I would highly recommend her in a heartbeat! Love her!!

Olga M

Service Received: TM 60 minutes

Claudia es muy profesional en su trabajo,! sabe lo que hace ! Además de explicar con muchos detalles la situación de mi cuerpo de acuerdo a lo que ella encuentra a medida que hace su trabajo . La recomiendo al 100%

Get in touch .

If you have specific questions, feel free to reach out to me at and I will be in touch within 48 hours.


(832) 639 3631




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